(210) 880-9971
18945 FM 2252, Suite 116
Garden Ridge, Texas 78266
Domestic Violence:
The effects of abuse, whether this takes the form of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, can be both severe and long-lasting. It's not just a question of the direct trauma inflicted, but of trust betrayed. Domestic violence is defined as abuse from one person against another individual that takes place within a domestic setting, which could include marriage or an environment where two people live together. Domestic violence can take place in a relationship with heterosexual relationships, same-sex partnerships, or across any gender lines. It can occur between partners, parents, and children, or the elderly. It can happen to people of all ages, adults or children. Domestic violence does not have to be physical abuse. It can include, verbal, emotional, mental, financial, religious, sexual or reproductive abuse. The abuse can be severe. A partner could repeatedly be assaulting the other to the point where they fear for their lives. Domestic violence is a serious crime and should be treated that way.
Sometimes partners abuse each other, or parents abuse their children. Don’t be fooled about the word ‘violence.” The term covers all forms of abuse, whether it is physical violence or not. For example, mental and emotional abuse falls under the category of domestic violence because it’s hurting people. An abuser thrives on power and control; they try to coerce their victim into doing what they want. The abuser will use denial, lying or other psychologically manipulative techniques to throw their victim off, and gain control over them. They retain the control by reinforcing the idea to the victim that they’re crazy. If you’re in such a toxic domestic environment, it’s imperative to seek help.